Evolving Pathways / Social Enterprise and Partners
Social Enterprise and Partners
Our Charitable Enterprise
Evolving Pathways is the service arm of the Huarahi Tupu Charitable Trust. The mission of the Huarahi Tupu Charitable Trust is to draw upon advances in neuroscience, physiology and digital technologies to reach and to support people develop regardless of their financial position.
We help people navigate new ways to live life. We collaborate to create opportunities for people to Relax, Heal, Grow and Play
We are pleased to partner with other organisations to build community one relationship at a time.
We seek new ways to fund our work, building a supportive sustainable community with partners - individuals, families, philanthropy, and business.
Social Enterprise is "doing business for good" and we have created products and services where all profits go 100% towards supporting people to
Relax, Heal, Grow and Play.
Shop With Purpose
Shop With Purpose
Evolving Pathways is the service arm of the charity Huarahi Tupu.
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